Everyday Money consumer psychology

consumer psychology

6 Types of Money Bullies and How to Handle Them

Michaela Begsteiger—Getty Images

Confessions of a recovering Money Bully.

If you’ve ever asked a question about money only to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or defensive at the response, you may have encountered a Money Bully. Money Bullies come in a wide variety, but they all share the need to make other people feel small to make themselves feel important about their financial knowledge.
I know this because I’m a recovering Money Bully. (It may be an occupational hazard of writing about personal finance.) As I get older, though, compassion has started to replace judgment and intolerance — good news for everyone around me.
Money Bullies can be anywhere. Some people are married to Money Bullies. They may lurk in your circle of family and friends. The Internet is bursting with them, especially in comment sections. Here’s how to spot them (and perhaps detect if you’re one of them).
